Tuesday, March 25, 2014


  • switch appears to be a form of if else statement except it is a loop of sorts
  • case is like if/else if of the loop, it checks to see if the condition is equal to the variable and then moves to the next case, unless their is a break
  • default is always run unless the program breaks, functions like the else
var answer = prompt("What do you do in your free time?"); switch(answer) { case 'play games': console.log("you like me and probably have no life"); break; // Add your code here! case 'program': console.log("you are like me and have no life, but you at least have a skill for a job"); break; case 'skate': console.log("seems like you get around"); break; case 'hang out with friends': console.log("you are lucky to have so many"); break; default: console.log("well that's interesting"); }


  1. Unformatted source code examples like this are difficult to read, Jonathan. One possible solution for this would be to link to a text file in your Google Drive which you have made public.

  2. must be automatic
    I'll see what I can do
