Monday, August 24, 2015

about me

about me

Jonathan Williams

I am really bad at writing about myslef but as you can see I know how the <p> tag works.

  • I took several computer science classes in high school including duel enroled classes
  1. chicken
  2. pizza
My class schedual
Uinversity 100T9:30am - 10:20am
Intro to TheaterT TH2:00pm - 3:15pm
Geography 101T TH100:am - 12:15pm
German IM W2:00pm - 3:15pm
Elementary StatisticsM W F9:00am - 9:50am
Programming IM W F11:00am - 11:50am
a great resource for anyone learning computer science especially web design my website(may be taken down very soon, backed up to my laptop however) a rap some comedian made about my town, this guy has got lots of other good stuff Stasi 2.0

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

successful reapeat

We successfully recreated the "blinky" that we made that first monday.

Here is the source code:

import pyb x1 = pyb.Pin("X1", pyb.Pin.IN, pyb.Pin.PULL_UP) while True: if x1.value() == 1: pyb.LED(1).on() else: pyb.LED(1).off()

Monday, May 11, 2015

I/O types

Pulse Width Modulation
Analog to Digital Conversion
C++ style file input/output, explained here
Serial Peripheral Interface

Wednesday, April 29, 2015


We are starting to develop a robotics program with Pyboard. We successfully turned on and off both LEDs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

what is this shape?

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

function parameters

Function Parameters tell a function to expect certain input,which it will be told what to do with in the function definition.